Monday, April 18, 2011

Is Allie getting Baptizes?

As you know, Allison turned 8 in March. Her birthday fell just a few days after the scheduled Stake Baptism they do once a month in our stake. So, Allison got baptized on April 9th, the next available date. Grandma and Grandpa M. and Uncle Boyd came for the week to help celebrate and help get ready for the big day. We went to Disneyland, the new temple visitors center, out to dinner at our favorite Cuban place and Allison got to have a special afternoon with Mom and Grandma to pick out shoes and jewelry to go with the beautiful white dress Grandma had brought for her from SLC.
Allison looked beautiful in her dress. Just before we left for the church, Grandma and Grandpa S. arrived along with Aunt Jill and Jamie and Uncle Dave. They brought accessories to go with Allie's dress and she looked like an angel. We went to the church and had a wonderful program put on by the Stake Primary and Allie took the plunge. She was so happy afterward. She was then confirmed by her Daddy. It was such a great experience for our whole family. Jackson kept asking all day "Is Allie getting baptizes?" "When will I get baptizes?"
After the baptism family and friends came back to our house for a celebration dinner. Everyone ate, talked and we had a great time. Thanks to everyone who came to support our family that day. We are so thankful to have Allison in our family and we are proud of the decision she made to get baptizes.


Pyatt said...

It was a great day and I'm happy we could be there. It is so good for Mackenzie to see all of her cousins get baptized! :)